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Friday, October 2, 2015


Men are different from women in all kinds of aspects – including their nutritional needs. Adding nutrient- rich super foods to the diet as well as forming a good habit of daily workout can give men a chance not only to strengthen their muscles but also boost their overall health.

Try to make your own nutrition game plan, guys.

Be smart in making your own nutritional game plan, men!
No.1: Shellfish
Shellfish including clams, lobsters and oysters are rich in zinc- an anti-oxidant mineral which is critically important for the heart, muscles and the reproductive system. A lower-than-normal zinc levels are associated with poor sperm quality and male infertility. If you are not fond of seafood, try other sources of zinc such as beef, mutton, nuts and legumes.
No.2: Bananas
Bananas are a great portable source of quick energy and potassium which is needed to regulate the functions of heart, kidneys and bones. Potassium deficiency increases the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and stroke as well as lowers side-effects of high sodium consumption.
No.3: Fatty fish
Heart-related diseases are the leading cause of death in men in the UK. According to many studies, the risk of heart attack in men can be 2-3 times higher than in women. Therefore, at least one serving of fatty fish a week can reduce the cases of unexpected heart diseases and cancers.
Omega-3 fatty acid chiefly found in fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardine can offer a relief to blood stasis and blood pressure management.
No.4: Red lean meat
Lean meat is not totally harmful to your health. Lean cuts of pork and beef have a little more fat than chicken breast, but are loaded with protein. It also contains vitamin B12, zinc, iron for oxygen transport to muscles and amino acids including leucine which is thought to be a trigger for muscle growth.
No.5: Leafy green vegetables
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale… are packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Spinach is high in folate- a nutrient helps fight against anemia and also has plenty of lutein and zeaxanthin which protect the eyes.
No.6:  Red orange fruits and vegetables
These vegetables are an abundant source of beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin C. These nutrients may lower your odds of developing an enlarged prostate. Good choices are red bell peppers, carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.
No.7: Berries or Cherries
A study stated that a serving of berries or cherries after gym can help relieve muscle pain and recover soreness faster. These little jewels are choke-full of polyphenol compounds such as the anti-oxidants named flavonoids and anthocyanins which mimic the effects of some anti-inflammatory medicines.
No.8: Avocado
This fruit is rich in helpful monounsaturated fatty acids which are also found in olive oil and vegetable oils. These fatty acids knock down bad cholesterol and give a kick to good one. Add some slices of avocado in to your favorite salad and enjoy its benefits.
No.9: Eggs
Start your day with one whole egg for protein, lutein, choline, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and iron.
No.10: Ginger
Ginger is really a good choice for a hard physical plan. Researchers showed that ginger can calm inflammation in the body and reduce the pain of exercise-related muscle injuries.
No.11: Milk and Yogurt
The whey in milk and yogurt is another source of leucine, a muscle-building amino acid. Milk is loaded with calcium and phosphate that are good for bones and teeth. Yogurt is packed with protein, potassium and friendly bacteria that keep your gut healthy.
No.12: Pistachios

Nuts provide protein, fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and K while satisfying the urge for a crunchy, salty snack. Pistachios are an outstanding source of sterols that can improve cholesterol levels.

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