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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Obesity hides many potential risks of various diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, breast cancer, colon cancer… Herbs mentioned below will help a safe fat- burning and weight loss.

Junk foods- a term for foods containing high levels of calories from processed sugar or fat but little or no nutritional value- are ready-to-eat foods which contribute to an increased risk of fat accumulation, high cholesterol concentration, leading to obesity.

Urban citizens who are living under high pressure of work and an environment -which is not always ideal for regular exercise whereas the need for energy still increases- have turned obesity from a concept into a warning disease, directly affecting their health.

One of the easiest methods is using natural herbs as appetite suppressants, help inhibit fatty acids accumulation and burn these deposited fat. Natural herbs are classified into two main groups including fat- reducing group: Hoodia Gordonii and Garcinia Cambogia and fat- burning one: Extract from Bitter Orange Peel and Green Tea.

Hoodia Gordonii
Hoodia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, native to Southern Africa. Hoodia is traditionally used by the indigenous people of the Namib Desert as an appetite suppressant for their survival in the harsh desert conditions.

The study was first mentioned by a Dutch anthropologist in 1937 when he was conducting a survey on lives of nomadic people in the Kalahari Desert, in the Southern Africa and Namibia.

A magic chemical in Hoodia- now known as P57- may trick the brain into thinking one is full even when they have not eaten and reduce the signals of hunger. Therefore, in a number of clinical studies, P57 has been considered to have potential in anti-obesity.

Garcinia Cambogia (Malabar Tamarind)
Tamarind- a small, sweet tropical tree fruit shaped like a mangosteen in Vietnam- is famous for its ability to slow down fat- absorbing process in the body.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) - a substance found in this fruit- appears to increase serotonin hormone in the brain which helps suppress or cut back your appetite. It is suggested to reduce obesity, remove excessive and bad fat in the body.

Bitter Orange (Citrus Aurantium)
A great source of limonene, flavonoids, courmarins, vitamin C, carotene and pectin… found in the extract from bitter orange peel is used to suppress the desire for food and support the process of calories and fat burning in your body.

Green Tea

Green tea is also a natural herb that is commonly used in both traditional and modern medicines. Green tea extract contains polyphenols and caffeine that help dissolve triglycerides which are deposited in your body, increase the metabolism of fat by 4%, stimulate fat burning and prevent the formation of cancer.

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