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Thursday, October 1, 2015


One of the most common heart attack symptoms is chest pain or discomfort.

Chest pain is one of heart attack symptoms.
One of the most common heart attack symptoms is chest pain or discomfort. According to the cardiologists, typical angina pectoris may feel like a pressure or squeezing sensation behind the breastbone or slightly to the left, spreading to the left shoulder and inner left hand till the ring finger and little finger. Sometimes it feels like "an elephant is sitting on your chest." The pain usually lasts more than 20 minutes and even it will not get better with Nitroglycerin. In some cases, the pain may radiate to the neck, chin, shoulder, back, right hand, or epigastrium.

However, there are some cases of heart attack in which patients have little or no pain (silent heart attack); frequently seen in postoperative patients, the elderly, and those with diabetes or high blood pressure.

Apart from chest discomfort,the patients may have symptoms such as panic, sweating, breathlessness, irregular heartbeat, nausea or vomiting, and lightheadedness, etc. 

Doctors recommend that acute heart attack is a medical emergency which should be diagnosed and treated promptly. In case of timely intervention, modern treatments (such as percutaneous coronary intervention) can save patients’ lives and bring them back to normal life. The sooner, the higher chance of survival and the better life quality of patients get later on.

Therefore, if there occur any symptoms of sudden chest pain, immediately call the ambulance to the nearest medical facility; as any delay in treatment can lead to more serious consequences or even death. Traditional Medicines (such as Angong niuhuang wan) have no clear role in the treatment of coronary diseases in general and acute heart attack in particular.

Hereinafter, it is not advisable to take Traditional Medicines in case of heart attack. Precious time for thorough treatment of coronary diseases should not be wasted for searching and drinking of ineffective drugs.

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