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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Keeping houseplants is an easy and beautiful way to combat the presence of pollutants in the air around you.

      Do you want to get up with a relaxed feeling?
Certain indoor plants show the powerful effect of removing harmful substances such as benzene, ammonia and formaldehyde, according to NASA’s Clean Air Study – the American aeronautics and aerospace agency have been looking for ways to cleanse the air in its space stations.

NASA calls plants “the life-aiding system of nature”. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen through photosynthesis. In addition, microorganisms in combination with some of these plants or which are present in the potting soil are responsible for wonderful cleaning benefits.

Here are 5 indoor plants recommended for you.

Boston fern

Frequently seen in Singapore and many regions throughout Southeast Asia, the Boston fern looks delicate, but it actually packs a punch when it comes to cleansing the air, especially removing formaldehyde. However, this plant needs to be taken care of regularly that includes being watered daily and fed with fertilizer weekly.


Not only being famous for a beautiful look of a large variety of markings and colors but orchids also help the air rid of xylene- a pollutant present in many glues and paints.

These plants are ideal to place in the bedrooms because they give off oxygen at night. They also make an excellent housewarming naturally.

Mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant

Of course, you don’t have a desire for your mother-in-law in your bedroom, but thankfully, this plant provides you a chance to inhale a fresher air during sleep. It releases oxygen at night that makes your sleep tight and sound.

It is a perfect fit for any dim corners in your house that need some sprucing up.

Peace Lily

This flowering plant is another ideal choice for your home. It thrives in shade and needs moderate watering. Do not hesitate to spend a small investment of energy and time for the return of the environment without any toxins.


Dracaena comes into different shapes, sizes and colors such as the red-edged dracaena which can be put on desks. They need a little maintenance requiring a moderate watering and do fine in a semi-shaded environment. However, be careful with the leaves because they are toxic to your beloved pets when eaten.

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