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Sunday, October 11, 2015


The kidneys are a super important organ in the body with a range of functions, including producing hormones, absorbing minerals, filtering blood, producing urine, eliminating toxins and neutralizing acids.

Stop doing bad habits that cause damage to our kidneys.
Damage or steady decline of the kidneys can induce few signs of symptoms even be apparent until the kidney function is significantly impaired because they can still do their job with as little as 20 percent of the capacity. That’s a reason why it is crucial to take care of them before it is too late.

Here’s a list of 10 bad habits that exhaust your kidneys and cause damage over time.

Not drinking enough water
The most important function of the kidneys is to filter blood and remove toxins and waste materials. Getting insufficient plain water during the day will male toxins and waste materials accumulate causing severe damage to the body.

Too much salt in your diet
Sure, sodium is essential for the body to work properly, but most people are consuming too much salt which may increase the blood pressure and put a lot of stress or overwork the kidneys. As a good rule of thumb, an intake of no more than 5 grams of salt is recommended on a daily basis.

Frequently delaying the call of nature
What will happen if you usually ignore the urge of going to the bathroom to relieve yourself? Of course, you are giving a bad damage to your body day by day. Retaining urine frequently can increase urine pressure and lead to kidney failure, kidney stones and other types of kidney diseases. Therefore, you should listen to your body when nature calls.

Kicking the sugar habit
Scientists say that people consuming 2 or more than sugary drinks daily are prone to have protein in the urine. This is an early sign showing that your kidneys are not doing their job as they have to.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
A healthy diet of full fresh veggies and fruits is not only important for your overall health but also a good kidney function. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as vitamin B6 and magnesium may increase the risk of kidney failure.

Too much animal protein
Overeating of protein, especially red meat increases the metabolic load on the kidneys. The more protein your diet includes, the harder your kidneys have to work that can lead to kidney damage or dysfunction over time.

Sleep deprivation
We all know how important a good night rest is. Untreated sleep deprivation is associated with many diseases and kidney diseases are also on the category. Throughout the night, your body heals and repairs damaged kidney cells.

Coffee habit
Caffeine can also raise the blood pressure and put an extra stress on the kidneys. Over time, excessive intake of coffee can lead to kidney damage.

Painkiller abuse
To relieve aches and pains, many people take painkillers regardless of many available natural safe remedies. Overdosing can cause damage to liver and kidneys.

Alcohol consumption
Sure, there is nothing wrong if you enjoy a glass of wine or a beer in a while, but most people don’t stop at one drink. Alcohol is an actually legal toxin which overloads kidneys and liver.

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