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Wednesday, October 14, 2015


A sore throat, which can be the first sign of a cold, is pain or soreness, irritation and itchiness of the throat that often get worse when you try to swallow.

A viral infection which is one of the most common reasons for a sore throat is caused by viruses such as the cold or flu. Besides, you can get a sore throat from bacterial infections, environmental factors including dryness, irritants, or having allergies…

Regardless of the cause, your immediate desire is how to get rid of it or get relieve fast. Maybe, you tempted to run to doctors, but some of the best treatments for this condition are natural home remedies. Try the following one the next time when you want to deal with a sore throat.

Simple syrup recipe from onion, honey and ginger

--1 chopped onion
--1 grated fresh ginger
--4 teaspoons of raw honey
Mix well all ingredients together in a big bowl. Leave the mixture for at least 6 hours. This helps honey absorb the active ingredients in the onion and ginger. Take one teaspoon of the honey every some hours until your symptoms are relieved.

Why this syrup works
The compounds named phenolics, quercetin and flavonoids present in onion have been proven to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-viral properties. Therefore, the extract of onion is a popular natural remedy in the treatment of sore throat.

Ginger is considered as a pain killer because it has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help fight against the infection causing sore throat.

Honey is also an effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredient in relieving cough and soothing sore throat.

Other herbal remedies
Honey and cider vinegar: Add honey and vinegar in equal amounts to water and then sip it hot.
Lemon juice and honey: Mix lemon juice and honey with warm water and then drink the mixture.
Garlic: Cut a fresh garlic clove in two halves, place inside each cheek and suck like cough drop.
Chicken soup: A bowl of warm soup can not only provide nutrients but also comfort relief to a sore throat.
Sage: Make a mixture of 1tsp of sage, 1 tsp of cider vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with boiling water. Gargle with sage four times a day.

Other tricks to relieve a sore throat
--Blackberries are a good flow of vitamin C which helps fight infections.
--Gargle with raspberry juice since it has antiseptic properties.
--Make sure to drink plenty of water within the day along with all above home remedies.
Note: If the symptoms persist longer than 3 or 4 days, go to see doctors.

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