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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Grape contains an abundant source of glucose, organic acids, vitamins and minerals including vitamin B, vitamin C, Fe, carotene and nicotinic acid and phenolic compounds which has wonderful effects on stimulating the operation of our nervous system, aiding digestion and enriching blood. Grape wine is believed to help dispel atherosclerosis and protect our heart against heart attack and hypertension.

  Grapes are used as an ingredient in many natural home remedies.
Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), grapes are sweet and sour in flavors; neutral in natures; lung, spleen and kidney meridians entered with strong actions of tonifying Qi, nourishing blood, strengthening bones and tendons and promoting dieresis. Grapes including roots, vines, and fruits are widely used in TCM for asthenia after a prolonged treatment, hyperpyrexia, xeroderma, xerosfomia, polydipsia, nephritis, edema, hematuria, painful urination or cold type arthritis. Recent studies have shown that red grapes help reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and side- effects of smoking on lungs; prevent cancer and give the body a chance to fight against side- effects of cancer treatment. Grape roots are aimed for patients with arthritis, edema and urethritis while vines and leaves are indicated for those with edema, less urination, ulcers, syndesmitis, red eyes, rheumatic arthritis, and detoxification.

How to use grapes as herbal medicines

Rheumatic arthritis, edema and less urination: Decoct 100g of fresh grape root (or 50g of sun- dried root) for drinking.

Hypertension: Fresh grape fruit 150g, 15 nuts of Chinese water chestnut. Pound cleaned grape fruit and peeled- off chestnut into powder then mix with boiling water for drinking.

Amblyopia (Dim and poor vision): Raisin 20g, Wolfberry 10g, Cassia seed 5g. Dip in boiling water for daily use.

High fever, xeroderma, xerosfomia, sweating, hot palms and soles due to Yin deficiency and excessive heat: Fresh grape fruit 250g, once or twice a day.

Painful urination and urethritis: Squeeze 250g of fresh grape fruit to get the extract and then mix with a glass of hot water for drinking.

Calculus of urinary tract, hematuria and painful urination: Grape juice 50ml, lotus rhizome node juice 50ml. Drink the mixture of all these twice a day.

Renal dropsy and fetal derangement: Make porridge from 30g of raisin, 15g of Chinese date, 60- 100g of rice. Use twice a day.

Cough with thick phlegm: Cook congee from 50g of raisin, 20g of lily bulb and 50g of rice.

Insomnia, autonomic nervous system disorder after prolonged illness, poor appetite: Drink 10ml of grape wine before bedtime.

Digestion disorder, atherosclerosis and hypertension: Drink 30- 50ml of red grape wine in meals.

Cautions: It should be used with caution for patients with dysentery and diarrhea. Prohibited for those using anti-hypertension medicines and angiotensin- converting- enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

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