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Thursday, October 1, 2015


A sound and deep sleep is the best and shortest way to supply energy for the body. Therefore, which direction is more advisable in autumn to help sleep tight and keep mind alert?

What is the best sleeping direction in autumn?
Many people believe that it is crucial to define proper direction based on seasons to enjoy a sound sleep. Accordingly, the head shall be placed towards the east and south in spring and summer respectively. In contrast, it is recommended to place your head towards the west in autumn and the north in winter.

According to Traditional Medicine, daytime is considered as ‘yang’ and nighttime is ‘yin’. Yin deficiency may cause insomnia whereas Yang deficiency leads to hypersomnia. Yin- Yang balance will result in a sound sleep, which helps the body and vital internal organs to relax and recover after a hardworking day as well as improve our physical health.

If Qi does not follow the natural law, blood and viscera - especially heart and brain- will turn disordered, causing many diseases.

However, according to scientists, it is necessary to head towards the north if you want to achieve a tight sleep. It helps minimize the impacts of the earth’s magnetic field passing the body in order to avoid tossing and turning, sleeplessness and insomnia.

Mr. Ha Thanh, a feng shui expert said that sleeping directions should not be based on seasons, but pathological conditions. Moreover, we only need to choose the best direction in terms of seasons under physical basis for some diseases.

For instance, it will be very dangerous for high blood pressure patients because of the earth’s rotation from west to east, while 75% of human body is water. Water in muscles is not much affected, but there will be a strong influence on blood in veins.

If the head is towards the west, high blood pressure patients may be at risk because blood will accrue to the brain and make them more vulnerable to a sudden death.

On the contrary, if patients with low blood pressure sleep towards the east, they may suffer from hypotension.

Many medical books clearly stated that 1/3 of people’s life is for sleep – shared Mr. Le Minh (Hanoi Oriental Medicine Association). If we sleep in the right way, we will surely achieve sound and deep sleep. Both traditional and modern medicines agreed that a tight sleep plays an important role in maintaining Yin and Yang balance.

According to Traditional Medicine, Yang weakens because there is not much sunlight in autumn and winter. Therefore, in order to ensure enough energy for daily activities, you should balance your life by:
- Early bedtime and get-up in autumn, whereas early bedtime but late get-up in winter
- Preferably bedtime from 9-11 PM so that we can achieve a deep sleep from 11PM to 1AM. As during this period of time, Yang is the weakest and Yin is the strongest, that make you have the best quality of sleep.

Mr. Thanh Ha said, the earth’s magnetic field has different impacts on each individual, so the theory cannot be applied for all. However, for those patients with symptoms such as asthma, high blood pressure, anxiety disorder, insomnia… they should consult doctors or feng shui experts to change sleeping direction. On the other hand, there is no need to change if they still feel comfortable and easy to fall into sleep.

Everything depends on each individual, so we should not be eager to believe in general advices without scientific evidences.

Tips for a better sleep: Drink a glass of heated milk (or warm water with honey), or soak your feet in warm water along with doing foot massage to release stress (especially for those who often stay up late). 

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