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Thursday, October 1, 2015


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, dyspepsia is a result of a diet with high amount of fat, protein and sugar or unhygienic eating habits, damp cold and infection (damp-heat accumulation). In this article, some useful remedies shall be introduced as a therapy for Dyspepsia treatment.

Remedy 1: Roasted rhodomyrtus tomentosa buds or young guava leaves and buds – 100g, thinly cut roasted bark of Ilex godojam colebr. exwall. 50g, alpinia officinarum 50g. Dry, roast, grind and store in a tightly closed bottle. For adults, use 6 - 8g per time; for kids, 2 - 5g depending on ages. Dissolve the mixture in warm boiled water.

Remedy 2: Pogostemon cablin 15g, perilla frutescens 10g, atractylodes 8g, glycyrrhiza uralensis 3g, pericarpium citri reticulatae perenne 5g, fructus zizyphi- 4 fruits, cortex magnoliae offcinalis 3g, wolfiporia extensa 6g. Dry, roast, pulverize, and pack in 8 - 10g/pack. For adults, use 2 - 5 packs/day. For kids, use ¼ pack/time for 2 - 3 year-old; 1/3 pack/time for 4 - 7 year-old; ½ pack/time for 8 - 10 year-old. Do not use for kids under one year old.

Remedy 3: Dry pogostemon cablin 200g, bark of Ilex godojam colebr. Exwall. 400g, Amomum tsao-ko 160g, cortex magnoliae offcinalis 400g, areca triandra seeds 160g, pericarpium citri reticulatae perenne 160g. Soak bark of Ilex godojam colebr. Exwall. in rice water and scrape outer layer; soak cortex magnoliae offcinalis with ginger water and then roast; remove the peel of amomum tsao-ko. All shall be exposed to the sun or dried. Make pills of black-pea size. Dry and put in closed bottles. For 2 - 5 year-old kids, 3 - 5 pills/time; for 6 - 10 years-old, 6 - 10 pills/time; for 10 - 15 years-old, 15 pills. For adults, take 20 - 30 pills. Take three times per day with warm boiled water. Should serve in gruel and avoid fat, fishy and indigestible foods.

Remedy 4: Pogostemon cablin pill: Dry pogostemon cablin 200g, glycyrrhiza uralensis 100g, cleistocalyx operculatus bark 160g, Illicium verum hook.f. 200g, perennial pericarpium citri reticulatae perenne 80g, dry bark of Ilex godojam colebr. Ex Wall. 160g, amomum sp. 200g, dry alpinia officinarum 160g. Roast, grind to get fine powder. Make pills of black-pea size. Dry or expose to the sun, then store in tightly closed bottles. Use when having cold or eating cold foods, getting repeated indigestion, and diarrhea, flatulence and vomiting. Dosage: for 5 - 10 year-old kids, 10 pills/time; for 10 – 15 year-old children, 20 pills/time; for adults, 30 pills/time. Take twice a day with hot water or hot tea. Should serve in gruel and avoid cold and raw foods.

Remedy 5: Lemongrass 30g (lower part), citrus reticulata blanco. peel 20g, cyperus rotundus L. 10g, young guava leaves and buds  40g. Roast, grind and store in tightly closed bottles. This remedy is used to treat colic and diarrhea. For adults, take 1 - 2 tsp/time; for kids, 1/2 tsp/time. Drink with hot water.

Remedy 6: Burned old ginger 40g, cinamomum cassia blume8g, pogostemon cablin20g, Illicium verum hook.f.  12g. Decoct and drink when it is still warm. Do not use for the pregnant.

Combine with acupuncture or do massages on these acupoints: tianshu, zhongwan, qihai, zusanli and hegu.

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