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Thursday, October 1, 2015


Cabbage, a popular vegetable throughout the world, has the reputation for its high nutritional content and wonderful health benefits.

Cabbage, a popular vegetable throughout the world, has the reputation for its high nutritional content and wonderful health benefits. An excellent source of vitamins found in cabbage is much higher than any other kinds of vegetables including carrots, potatoes and onions. Based on many studies, the combination of vitamin A and vitamin K in cabbage helps reinforce the strength of blood arteries in the body. In addition, cabbage contains well- known cancer-fighting compounds named sulforaphane, phenethyl isothiocyanate and indole-3-carbinol.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cabbage is sweet in taste, neutral in nature, non-toxic with strong actions of regulating blood, clearing heat, dispelling phlegm and dampness, moistening intestines, relieving stomach, improving detoxification and benefitting urination. It has been associated with a reduced risk of mental asthenia, lower back and joints pain, cancers, cardiovascular diseases…

                  Figure 1.Cabbage juice is used as a treatment for stomach ulcer

Relieve pain: Drink cabbage juice and poultice the grounds on the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, gout and neuralgia.

Soothe joints pain, limbs soreness and swollen nodes: Heat up brayed cabbage leaves, place on the pain and then cover with thick cotton bandage.

Stop cough with phlegm: Cabbage 80-100g, water 500ml. Decoct all these until one third of the fluid obtained. Add honey to taste. Combine eating raw and fresh cabbage.

Support diabetes treatment: Use 100g every day for type-2 diabetes prevention and treatment.

Treat peptic ulcer disease (PUD): Husk each layer of a cabbage (even the outer layer), cut cleaned cabbage leaves right through the veins into half. Let steamed leaves dry, bray them and then use a cotton tissue to filter out the juice. One kilogram of cabbage can obtain 500ml of juice. Dosage: Divide 1000ml cabbage juice into small doses, and then drink it instead of water. Add a pinch of sugar or salt to taste. Each period of treatment lasts 2 months. It is possible to combine with other medicines.

In addition, cabbage juice can be used to treat sore throat, hoarseness, microbial and fungal infections.

Cautions: Those with constipation and difficult urination should not consume raw and fermented cabbage.

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