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Thursday, October 1, 2015


 In Traditional Chinese Medicine, mouth ulcer (also known as fever blister or cold sore) has a strong association with heart and spleen lesions. The accumulation of heat in heart and spleen along with Yin deficiency and excessive heat are two main causes leading to this disease.

  Apply the mixture of turmeric powder and honey on the blisters.
“Each one of us have experienced at least once in our whole lives,” says Neelanjana Singh, an Indian nutritionist.

Cold sore usually goes away without treatment within 5-7 days. Without leaving a scar, it is still accompanied by several irritable symptoms like itching, fever, headache, difficulty chewing and burning sensation around the mouth.

Accidental bites or any oral traumas can result in mouth ulcers, especially when we are in a hurry to eat.

Vitamin deficiency (vitamin B12, vitamin C and iron) also leads to ulcers.
It could be a sign of intestine- related diseases such as colitis.
“Abrasive foods such as areca nut, almonds have been considered as a cause of blisters. Some fruits and vegetables containing acids such as strawberries and tomatoes and even cheese, chocolate, coffee are also on the list of possible causes. Besides foods, other products such as toothpastes and mouthwashes can lead to ulceration,” added Singh.

Apart from prescriptions which help detoxification process, nourish Yin and reduce heat, natural home remedies are suggested.

One of the most effective remedy is coconut oil due to its anti-bacterial property. Apply the mixture of coconut oil and honey on the blisters several times a day.

Another remedy is combining turmeric powder with honey. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, turmeric is bitter and pungent in flavors and neutral in natures with the strong actions of activating blood, moving Qi, dispelling blood stagnation, clearing carbuncles and blisters due to inflammation, combined with anti- bacterial property of honey will be a key for the fight against mouth ulcers.

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